Out of State, Out of Comfort Zone: 7 Notable Benefits of an Out-of-State Move


 Benefits of moving out of state

Moving to a new state can seem like a bite bigger than you can chew. After all, you’re going out of your comfort zone to a place you may have never been before, where you might not know any people. Fortunately, once you take the plunge and relocate, you’ll find that it’s not that difficult and that there are many benefits to moving out of state. Here are just a few benefits to reassure the mind of a will-I-won’t-I mover. 

The costs of an out-of-state relocation

Before deciding to make your big move, it’s essential to know what costs to expect. On average, it costs $4,000–$5,000 for an out-of-state relocation, but many factors can lower or raise that price. 

The further you are moving, the more it will cost to transport your belongings. If you have more items to pack, that can also hike the price. If you’re bringing a vehicle, you have to consider the cost of transporting a car from state to state and the amount you might need to pay to get a new driver’s license. Insurances, new gym membership fees, and local and state taxes are other expenses to build into your budget.

Get a fresh start in life and your career

Moving to a new state allows you to access a fresh start. Sometimes, you feel like you just need to start from scratch again. Whether you recently went through a divorce, are feeling stifled in your job, or don’t feel like you’re reaching your life goals, moving to a new state can help you wipe the slate clean and start over.

Not only that, but you can access new job opportunities and advance in your career in a way that may not have been possible where you used to live. There may simply be more or better job opportunities in your new city. Whatever it is, taking the relocation plunge could be your path to falling upwards. 

Make new friends and meet new people

Moving to a new place can give you a chance to expand your social circle. You might click with the people in your new city more, or there may be more opportunities to meet people, such as meetups, bars, or coffee shops. The people might be more friendly in general. You can still keep in touch with your old friends, but it never hurts to make new ones. 

Moving can also give you a chance to improve your dating life if you are single. Every city is a bit different when it comes to dating demographics and places to meet people, and there might be more fish in a distant sea. 

Move closer to your family

One reason many people move to a new place is to live closer to their family. You don’t have to move to where your parents or cousins live to see them more often. If you live in New York and your loved ones live in California, transferring to anywhere on the West Coast will drastically reduce the travel time needed to see your family.

Get a chance to travel more

Depending on where you move, you may be closer to attractions or national parks, making it easier to hop in your car and go on weekend road trips. If you feel like you haven’t traveled enough in life, changing your location can give you more opportunities to see the world. 

Not only that, but if you move closer to the border, you’ll be able to visit Canada or Mexico more often. Both of America’s bordering countries have a lot to offer. If you move to a city with better domestic or international flight connections, you’ll even be able to fly out for cheaper and without (or with fewer) layovers, making travel more convenient. 

Experience new cultures and cuisines

One of the fantastic things about moving is that it can expose you to new cultures. Not only is the culture in some states very different, but you may also have more interaction with people from other countries who moved to the United States. More international dining options may also be available, allowing you to give your palette a taste of beautiful cuisines. 

Enjoy better weather

Relocating to a different part of the country can give you a chance to enjoy better weather. If you prefer warm weather and don’t care much for harsh winters, moving from New York to one like Florida might be right for you. On the flip side, if you enjoy colorful autumns and snowy Christmases, the reverse is true. Some cities, like San Diego, are famous for having pleasant weather year-round. 

You can save money

Finally, depending on where you go, you can save a lot of money by moving somewhere else. That is especially true if you live in a large city like Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York City. 

The cost of living in some parts of the country is a lot less than in others. Everything including groceries, rent, gas, utilities, and even your daily coffee might cost less. You may be able to eat out more, and you may even find property and state taxes lower. While this isn’t always the case, it is often a top advantage of out-of-state moves. 

Parting words

If you’ve been thinking about crossing state lines, just do it. Once you push yourself out of your comfort zone, everything becomes less challenging. Whether you think you might have increased job opportunities in a new city or you want to get a fresh start, your future self will thank you for taking the initiative to jump the interstate. 

Tony Brian

Tony loves to write on technology, app/website reviews, business and internet marketing. He has been in the online industry for over 5 years. Tony is also good at web and graphic design.